The Pigtailed Baker
The Pigtailed Baker
Creating new culinary delights and disasters on two continents!

Who am I? Why am I here? And why are you here? Perhaps, you're a delightful, former guest (of my wildly popular, economic flop - Kafé Zolo), or a beloved former student (at the local Montessori school), or just a curious soul (and faithful friend) longing for new culinary and cultural adventures. Whoever you are, Welcome! Hold on; it's going to be a bumpy ride! 

Who am I? Well, heck; I'm the pigtailed baker! I'm probably far too old to be in pigtails but; as long as I can stand on my head (which I do every morning), I'm going to keep rocking those pigtails! 

I was born and raised in Virginia. Spent my formative years on the east coast before migrating to Sweden in my early 20s. Yup, fell in love with a Swede and didn't want to commute. My Swede and I raised three lovely children in Stockholm and then decided to move the clan south to a quaint fishing village (population 300 or so) - a beautiful place that I would truly learn to call "home".  I discovered my calling (or rather, callings) there: became an English teacher (K-9); worked for a small publishing house; and started my own café! (Wonderful experiences which have enriched my life!)

So, now I find myself in a new phase of life. I've moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico with my Swede and am currently writing a manuscript for a second YA book. (No, the first one hasn't been published yet but; I'm working on it!) I'm still baking and cooking (mostly when I should be writing!) and experimenting with all of the delightful "foreign" ingredients and produce in this part of the world. After living abroad for over thirty years, everything seems unfamiliar and exciting! I'm ready to dive in and learn, discover, and enjoy! And I'm thrilled that you're here to share it all with me! 

Andrea, the Pigtailed Baker


pigtailed adjective  pig·tailed \-ˌtāld\

Hi there! I'm the pigtailed baker! Join me in the kitchens of Santa Fe, NM and Arild, Sweden as I create new dishes and disasters (on two continents!) I look forward to sharing my inspirational experiences (culinary and culturally)with you!