The Pigtailed Baker
The Pigtailed Baker
Creating new culinary delights and disasters on two continents!
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It all started when...

I started wearing my hair in pigtails à la Pippi Longstocking. Which was quite fitting as I was living in the land of Pippi Longstocking - Sweden! My dream of opening a café (Kafé Zolo) had become a reality (and a nightmare as I had nary a clue as to how to run a café). I did, however, love cooking, baking and creating new dishes. I loved meeting new people and having a place that would become a hub of social activity and cultural happenings. Writer's Night - Poetry Slams - Musical Performances (and even a Belly Dancing Saturday) were on the café menu as were the many tasty wraps, soups and cakes. I began experimenting with vegetarian fare and fell in love with the challenge of preparing foods "outside my comfort zone." I also enjoyed discovering the many new (to me) and exciting herbs and spices of the world - Za´atar, Baharat, Advieh, Togarshi, Barbere, and Dukkah (to name a few). Every new discovery was a revelation and sent my taste buds into orbit!  

Sadly, the café, while wildly successful, was an economic flop. Too many expensive ingredients - too many fancy napkins - too little know-how. In August 2014, four years and thousands of Lemon Curd Cheesecakes (the café's most popular cake) later, I served my last guest. 

Having spent most of my adult life in Sweden, it was time for a change - a return to my roots in the U.S. My children were grown and ready to forge ahead on their own; I was ready for the next challenge. My husband and I had visited Santa Fe, New Mexico and were captivated by its beauty and charm. "I could live here," I had said to him. "I could, too," he had replied. So we bought a house. And here I am, The Pigtailed Baker, in Santa Fe. Let the fun begin!