Saffron-Coconut Macaroons

Saffron-Coconut Macaroons
Saffron-Coconut Macaroons - a new holiday favorite! 

Saffron-Coconut Macaroons - a new holiday favorite! 

Before moving to Sweden, I had only tasted saffron in savory dishes. Imagine my delight (and surprise) upon learning that saffron in sweet buns, cakes and cookies is absolutely delicious. I can still remember my first lussebulle (Swedish saffron bun), a sweet bread served traditionally on December 13, St. Lucia Day. The Swedish saffron bun is light, buttery –only slightly sweet– and vibrant yellow; it was definitely love at first "bite". I enjoyed many a saffron bun during my 30+ years in Sweden; but, I never attempted to make them – until I moved to Santa Fe! 

Santa Fe, New Mexico and Swedish saffron buns! it sounds crazy and it is! I guess you might say that I'm more of a Swede in the U.S. than I ever was in Sweden. And I'm brave (and/or stupid) to boot as the high elevation in our fair city, 7,199 ft./2,194m, makes baking a real challenge! Fortunately, I'm a very stubborn chef and tend to live (and bake) by the motto: "skam den som ger sig" – literally translated as "shame on the one who gives up". I'm proud to say that my saffron buns have turned out perfectly, every time. 

I had thought to include the mighty saffron bun in my holiday party menu but decided to try something new: Saffranskokostoppar (Saffron-Coconut Macaroons)! A whole lot of work in the kitchen but well worth the effort! They're different, fun and tasty! A new holiday favorite, perhaps?


Saffron-Coconut Macaroons, fresh out of the oven

Saffron-Coconut Macaroons, fresh out of the oven

Ingredients: (makes 15)

1.75 oz (50 g) unsalted butter

0.75 oz (1/2 g) saffron threads (I toast mine in a dry frying pan and then grind to powder in a mortar.)

2 eggs

1/2 cup (1 dl) granulated sugar

2 cups (5 dl) unsweetened coconut

1 cup (2 1/2 dl) dark chocolate

Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C).

Melt the butter and combine all the ingredients, except the chocolate. Let the batter rest for 10 minutes.

Using your hands (the kitchen's best utensils), form small cones and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. 

Bake for 15 minutes. Let cool completely.

Melt the chocolate in a double boiler (or microwave for 1 & 1/2 minutes in 30 second intervals).

Dip the macaroons in the chocolate and let cool/harden on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. 
