Andrea SkallebergComment

A Moussaka to Remember

Andrea SkallebergComment
A Moussaka to Remember
Vegetarian Moussaka Close-Up

Vegetarian Moussaka Close-Up

“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”


― Oscar Wilde


I am not a professional chef; I just enjoy pretending! Allow me to explain: I love “stealing” other creative chefs' (notice how I included myself in the creative crowd - ha-ha) ideas and “spicing up” their recipes with my own quirky twists and tastes. And I encourage you do the same. Every recipe deserves your love, attention and special touch - that’s what makes each dish memorable and delicious. Don’t be afraid to try flavor pairings that may seem outrageous –Cinnamon and Tomatoes? Kalamata Olives and Caramel? Anchovies and Peanut Butter? – why not? If in doubt, taste it! If you like it, chances are so will everyone else.  


I “stole” (and then tweaked, using a few tricks up my sleeve à la Kafé Zolo)) the following recipe from one of my favorite Swedish cookbooks– a beautiful, irreverent collection of recipes entitled “If I Was Your Housewife - Or How to Make a Weekday Taste Like a Saturday” (literally translated). I love, Love, LOVE this cookbook! The photos are divine and the recipes are so much fun. Thank you, Lotta Lundgren, for your wonderfully wacky inspiration! 


Lotta Lundgren rocks!

Lotta Lundgren rocks!



Vegetarian Moussaka


Crank up your oven to 430ish° F (225°C).




1 pound (!/2 kilo) multi-colored carrots 

3 large garlic cloves

One jar of red pesto

Tomato sauce (your own – we can go there later – or a basic 24 oz./680g of Barilla’s - or your favorite tomato sauce in a jar)

1 tsp. cinnamon

One cup of fresh basil (chopped) 

2 cans of artichoke hearts (drained)

1 large eggplant (aubergine)

1 large green zucchini 

16 ounces (500 g) feta cheese

8 ounces (250 g) mozzarella 

Cute tomatoes on the vine (whatever is available)

Salt and pepper to taste



Fixin’ it:


Chop up the multi-colored carrots and garlic and throw them into a food processor. Grind, grind, grind until you have something that looks like ground beef.


Heat a couple of TBS. olive oil in a large frying pan/pot and gently sauté the carrots and garlic.


Add “your” tomato sauce, the red pesto, cinnamon, salt and pepper to taste - stir and let simmer. 


Add the artichoke hearts.


Cut the eggplant and zucchini into long slices; sprinkle a little salt on those babies and let them rest in a colander. 


Chose your favorite serving dish and start layering. Begin with a scoop of the carrot/garlic/tomato sauce. 


Rinse the eggplant and zucchini - dry with paper towels.


I think eggplant works best as a base layer, so go ahead and arrange those slices beautifully on top of the sauce.


Cover with half of your chopped fresh basil and the mozzarella. 


Cover with another generous amount of the tomato sauce. 


Add those lovely zucchini slices and the rest of the chopped basil.


Top it off with the rest of your tomato sauce. 


Cut the feta cheese in cubes and throw it on top of your gorgeous arrangement. Place those vine tomatoes lovingly (and artistically) on top of the heap. 


Bake for 40 minutes (or until it’s all bubbly and wonderful). 


Serve with a smile and a leafy green salad.