Ranch Life

Ranch Life
Plymouth Rock Hen

Plymouth Rock Hen

Spending time at the Canyon of the Ancients Guest Ranch in McElmo Canyon, Colorado is always a treat! Rugged beauty abounds: mesas, mountains and buttes compete for one’s attention and awe. The Guest Ranch in the canyon is run by hosts extraordinaire, Ming and Garry Adams. Their knowledge and love of the area is shared enthusiastically with every visitor and makes for a most memorable stay.

Upon arriving at the ranch on an unusually gray rainy day, we were greeted by said hosts carrying a basket of freshly laid eggs from their hens. The hens can be found roaming freely around the ranch during the day or safely housed in their chicken coop for the night. Talk about free-range eggs! Happy hens produce happy eggs! And those yolks! Wow! Don’t even get me started on the vibrant yellow color of a happy hen’s egg yolks!

Baking at Canyon of the Ancients Guest Ranch with happy hen eggs is quite the pleasure - one I’ve enjoyed many a time. My cakes and cookies seem tastier and are always appreciated.

Lime/Pistachio Cupcakes

Lime/Pistachio Cupcakes

Lime/Pistachio Cupcake Recipe

For the cupcakes:

3.5 oz. (100 g) salted butter

3 eggs (free-range!)

3/4 cup (1 1/2 dl) granulated sugar

Scant half cup (1 dl) milk

1 tsp. rum extract

3.5 oz. (100 g) grated almond paste

3.5 oz. (100 g) unshelled salted pistachio nuts

1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1 2/3 cup (3 1/3 dl) All-Purpose Flour

1/2 tsp. salt

For the icing:

One and a half lime - zest and juice

7 oz. (200 g) unsalted butter at room temperature

2 1/4 cup (5 dl) powdered sugar

1 tsp. vanilla powder

a few drops of green food coloring

For decoration:

Your favorite edible flowers

Preheat oven at 380° F (180° C). 

Melt the butter and let cool. Beat eggs, sugar, melted butter and milk. 

Grate almond paste and add to above batter. Mix with a wooden spoon.

Place pistachio nuts in a food processor and grind to a fine “flour”.

Add the pistachio “flour” and all dry ingredients to the egg batter and mix with a wooden spoon. 

Line a cupcake sheet pan (12) with your favorite cupcake liners.

Fill each with 2/3 batter.

Bake for 18-20 minutes.

Let cool.

Using an electric beater, whip the butter for the icing until light and fluffy.

Add the juice and zest of one and a half lime.

Add the vanilla powder and continue mixing.

Add the powdered sugar, a couple of tablespoons at a time to the icing, until fluffy.

Add food coloring.

Apply the icing to the cooled cupcakes with a knife or small spatula.

Decorate with edible flowers. 

Serve with love

Serve with love

The ranch not only inspires me to bake but also fills me with great contentment and a sense of belonging. Surrounded by its many animals and spectacular nature, I am always “at home.” I just love it!

“When’s Ma coming home?

“When’s Ma coming home?

Feeling Sheepish

Feeling Sheepish

Happy Ranch Dog

Happy Ranch Dog

Need a break from everyday life? Head out to McElmo Canyon, Colorado and Canyon of the Ancients Guest Ranch!

“It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.”
